Friday, December 5, 2008

God Moves in a Mysterious Way ...

This week I received an unusual comment on my notes for Advent I. It was from a person in India who began by saying very clearly that he (I believe) was not commenting on my notes but was trying to reach my younger brother, Dan.

Dan is an animator, and some time back had been in India, and in particular in Mumbai. From what he saw he produced a cartoon entitled 'Construction worker's slum with the luxury condo's the workers built in background Bombay, India' which my correspondent wanted to use on the conver of the magazine published by Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief based in New Delhi. He was seeking Dan's contact information.

The obvious thing to do was to pass the note on directly to Dan. It was more efficent than to send an email address to India, and more respectful of Dan's privacy. As it turned out, he was more than happy to give permission for use of the cartoon, because of his concern for the poverty and need, and our correspondent in India was very happy.
That is an effect I would never have thought this blog would have. If the cartoon raises awareness of the needs of poor workers, then I will be glad to have done a little something to help, even if all I really did was provide an avenue for contact. I'd like to see the cartoon sometime.

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